Call for Papers - 2024 Annual Conference

The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis invites proposals for Advanced Workshops, Scientific Research Presentations, Symposia and Posters.  All Presenters must be available to attend the conference live in Anaheim, CA; there will be no remote presentations.  Please review this page in its entirety before submitting a proposal.  

Call for Papers: Closed

Update: Acceptance notifications for Advanced Workshops, the Scientific Program, posters and scholarships have been emailed. Please make sure you have added our email addresses to your email so you do not miss any important conference communications. Contact the SCEH office if you have questions.

75th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program

Mind Unleashed
October 23-27, 2024 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel, Anaheim, CA
Hotel Site and Accommodations - Reserve now
Conference Info - event planning now underway

Live/ In Person / Face to Face Event - live attendance required - #SCEH2024
Call for Papers Deadline:  Closed
Event registration opens summer 2024.

The conference includes Introductory, Intermediate/Skills and Advanced Clinical Hypnosis Workshops plus a Scientific Program.  Workshops meet accepted Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis and count toward SCEH Hypnosis Certification Programs.

Conference Theme

We invite groundbreaking contributions for the 75th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, themed Mind Unleashed.  As we celebrate this milestone, we welcome submissions exploring the dynamic intersections of hypnosis with other mind-body therapies, artificial intelligence (AI), hypnosis apps, psychedelics, and consciousness. Submit your research, insights, and innovations that push the boundaries of understanding and application in these transformative fields. We seek submissions on AI's role in hypnosis, the impact and efficacy of hypnosis apps, states of consciousness, renewed interest in psychedelics, mind-body interventions, and hypnosis and related states. Join us in advancing the conversation and unlocking new possibilities in healing and transformation.

Providing a Welcoming Environment 

Call for Advanced Workshops

Call for Scientific Presentations and Posters

Delivering Your Presentation

Registration & Presenter Fees

Student Scholarships


Providing a Welcoming Environment

All Presenters are asked to familiarize themselves with the following SCEH Policies:

Creating Your Proposal

We suggest using the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari browsers for completing forms on our website. Please note that most submission problems can be addressed by clearing your browser's cache.

Please create and save the content of your proposal in a simple text format, then cut and paste it into the form. This will save you time should you lose your Internet connection while working on your submission or should your submission fail for some reason. Due to formatting limitations, SCEH forms are restricted to plain text, and therefore will not accept bold, italics, or other special formatting. Please create your proposal with this in mind.

SCEH will follow a masked review process for submissions  Submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific and Advanced Workshop Co-chairs without knowing the name of the author(s) or presenter(s), to ensure a fair and impartial review of proposals. As a result, please take care to remove identifying information from your proposal. Thank you.

To submit a proposal, click on the buttons below to access the appropriate online form.

Receiving Submission Notifications Via Email

Once the Advanced Workshops & Scientific Program Co-Chairs have reviewed submissions, we will notify you via email if your session has been accepted into our Conference.  We anticipate emailing acceptance notices to Presenters some time in May. 


  • To ensure that you receive notices from the Society, please take a moment now to whitelist our email addresses
  • We expect all Presenters to reply to acceptance notifications promptly (within two weeks) so we can confirm your agreement to present at the date and time noted.
  • Please note the conference schedule: 
          Workshops: Wednesday to Friday, October 23-25
          Scientific Program: Saturday to Sunday, October 26-27

Delivering Your Presentation: What You Will Need

Presenters should be aware that SCEH is not able to provide full A/V support. As a Presenter, we require you to: 1) present using your own laptop; 2) bring with you the necessary peripheral cords that will allow you to plug into our LCD projectors; 3) if using video, arrange to play it directly from your computer, not stream it from the Internet (no Internet access is provided in the meeting rooms) and 4) if using graphics or video in your presentation, stipulate you have secured all the necessary rights to use the content. 

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Call for Advanced Workshops

Advanced Workshops take place Wednesday to Friday, October 23-25, offered in one, 1.5, two and three hour lengths. We will not have any full day Advanced Workshops.

We invite workshops that address our conference theme and/or cover major themes in hypnosis. SCEH workshops are scientifically-based and of the highest teaching quality. Please be sure to include demonstrations and practice sessions in your proposal wherever possible. Our attendees frequently ask for more hands practice opportunities and we consider experiential components an important part of our workshops.

Pre-submission Inquiries

Pre-submission inquiries can be sent to the Conference Co-Chairs or you may email us at [email protected]
If you are new to presenting, please reach out to the co-chairs for additional guidance.


Call for Scientific Program Proposals

The Scientific Program will take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 26 -27 and features research presentations, symposia, panels and posters.

We invite researchers to submit proposals describing their work on hypnosis and related fields. We especially encourage proposals that address the conference theme or related areas that broaden our understanding of hypnosis. We also invite the submission of abstracts of rigorously conducted case studies, case series and critical reviews. The SCEH Scientific Program supports an atmosphere conducive to constructive criticism and debate. 

  • Symposia and Panels bring together researchers and clinicians as they critically discuss empirical findings pertaining to a specific theme of relevance to the hypnosis community. Many of these sessions integrate theory, research and clinical practice to highlight issues that improve our understanding of hypnosis.  Each symposium or panel is allotted 60-90 minutes. The number of available slots for Symposia and Panels is limited.

  • Research Presentations include: experimental studies; case reports; clinical trials; meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Each research presentation is allotted 20 minutes.

  • Posters provide another opportunity to review the latest research in the field.  Posters presenting novel results and experimental designs will receive priority acceptance. Theoretical arguments or models may be accepted as poster presentations. During the Poster Session on Saturday evening (prior to the Annual Banquet), authors appear in front of their posters and discuss their findings with attendees. Poster authors will be sent details about poster preparation (format/size, etc.) after acceptance. See more information on poster submissions below.


Abstracts will be judged by the quality of research as well as clarity and transparency. Please make sure that your abstracts uphold the highest level of reporting of scientific findings. Abstract format should follow APA 7 formatting guidelines (

Pre-submission Inquiries

Pre-submission inquiries can be sent to the Scientific Program Chairs or you can email us at [email protected].
If you are new to presenting, please reach out to the co-chairs for additional guidance.

 scientific program submission button 

Poster Submissions

Presenting a poster at the SCEH Annual Conference Scientific Program is an excellent opportunity to present either fully completed research studies, clinical case studies and pilot studies as well as preliminary research.  SCEH provides a unique venue for presenting and integrating rigorous data-based findings in an atmosphere conducive to constructive criticism and debate. Poster presentations allow authors to concisely present a case report or data that can be easily grasped in this format. Poster presentations often permit more discussion between presenters and attendees and may be especially advantageous for students, clinicians, and new investigators. At the Poster Session, poster presenters gain valuable feedback from leading clinicians and researchers in the hypnosis field, both in group and one on one discussions.  Poster presenters gain experience in the poster format and have an opportunity to expand professional relationships.

Posters will be accepted on a rolling basis until spots filled or August 1 whichever is earlier.

Click on the button below to submit your poster proposal.  (This is the same form used to submit Scientific Program proposals.)

 button Submit a Poster  


Registration and Presenter Fees

All Presenters must register and pay for the conference within two weeks of being notified that their proposals have been accepted.  Students, please see Student Scholarships section below.

Annual Conference Presenters qualify for discounted registration to the Annual Conference. We view the presentation of workshops and papers at SCEH as both a service and an honor. All presenters must pay the registration fee even if they attend no workshops other than their own. Registration fees allow presenters to take additional workshops, attend the Scientific Program and receive continuing education credits in accordance with their professional board. Registration fees also help the Society to cover necessary conference expenses. Presenters are also able to earn continuing education credit for all sessions they teach or attend.  SCEH offers both CE (for psychology and related fields) and CME (for physicians), included in the registration price.  For 2024, Annual Conference Presenter registration rates, see this page.

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  We expect all Presenters to register and pay for the conference within two weeks of being notified, and before our conference brochure is released. 


Student Scholarships

Student Presenters and Student Poster Authors

Students who present a Research Presentation or have a Poster accepted for the Scientific Program will have their registration fees waived.

Learn more about the 2024 SCEH Scholarship Program and how to apply.

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75th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program

Mind Unleashed
October 23-27, 2024 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel, Anaheim, CA
Face to face meeting - live attendance required - #SCEH2024
Hotel Site and Accommodations - Reserve now
Conference Info - event planning now underway

Call for Papers - Deadline: April 15, 2024
Event registration opens summer 2024.